Ok, so after all my talk of Valentine’s Day and the unauthentic splurges it generates like so many embers from a fire of burning love letters after a bitter break-up, I thought I’d go the total hypocrite route and (finally) detail the samples I cracked open on V-Day. So sue me. Whatever. NV Bollinger Brut…
Tag: wine review
The Kick-Ass-ness Cometh (Tasting Two Napa Valley 07s While Musing About A Seventh)
Seventh Lombardi trophy, that is. See, I’ve been a Steelers fan for over 30 years, which places the activity in rare company when it comes to my lifetime activities, bested only by things such as breathing, sleeping and enjoying birthday cake. And for those of you sick of hearing about my NFL alliances (basically everyone…
A Wine For Epic NFL Playoff Victories
The defining characteristic of the most preferable wine for imbibing while viewing epic, come-from-behind NFL playoff battles between hated sports rivals (aside from the wine having been paid for by someone else, that is), would be that the wine is very good without being too good. [ I should note before we go any farther…
Volta Wine Discount (Comeback Kid Edition)!
“Literally all my savings all went into the winery to keep it afloat… it was the most challenging time of my life.” Winemaking, especially in these troubled economic times, is not for anyone whose skins might be thinner than your average Cabernet grape’s. Case in point: Volta Wines. Longtime 1WineDude.com readers will no doubt recognize…