At the end of July, I wound up at the top of Chalk Hill in Healdsburg. It was one of those events that I should be used to by now but that make me slightly uncomfortable anyway because they a) are held in lavish settings that seem to cost a billion dollars, b) usually end…
Tag: wine review
Benny And The Jetsetters: Tasting A 111 Year Old Wine
Until a little over a week ago, I’d never had a one hundred and eleven year old wine before. And when heading out to dinner in downtown Chicago, I hadn’t expected to run into a wine that was celebrating it’s eleventy-first birthday; I mean, does anyone ever expect to run into anything celebrating 111 years…
Is It Time For Wine To Get The Like Button?
We wine geeks review wines in all manner of differing ways. There’s nearly as much variety in those review systems as there are in wine styles. Points. Stars. In my case, grades and badges. And we’re social about it, too – is pretty much the world’s largest wine review repository at this point (closing…
On The Road, Off The Beaten Path (A South American Wine Wrap-Up At
I know I’m risking turning this blog into a South American wine coverage outlet recently (and there are at least two more posts yet to come from my recent jaunt there). BUT… Just in case you’re not yet sick of hearing about the wines and wine-related stories I encountered in Chile and Argentina (or…