—————————————-Save a Prayer for The Morning After on 12seconds.tv—————————————- It’s that time of year again. The time of year when websites far & wide gather together in solidarity to take part in the time-honored tradition of posting Holiday Hangover cures. And not a moment too soon. If you’re like me, the stress of the holidays,…
5 Reasons Why Chilean Wine Kicks Ass (Wine Blogging Wednesday #52: Chillin’ with the Chilean)
Hard to believe that an entire month has passed since we hosted Wine Blogging #51 (“Baked Goods”) here on 1WineDude.com. But passed it has, and another WBW is now upon us – this time hosted at CheapWineRatings.com, with the theme “Value Reds from Chile!” I am stoked for this WBW. Because Chilean wines, for the…
Prime Time: Another New Kid on the ‘Napa Cab’ Block
Remember our not-so-old friends, Volta? Seems there are a few other winemakers out there who do, too. Take Ted Henry of the newly-minted wine producers Prime Cellars in Napa. “I was in Volta‘s Winemaker Massimo’s class at UC Davis,” Ted told me. “We used to drink beers together in his Silver Oak days…” As it…
Wine – The Book I Wanted To Hate
I really wanted to hate this book. I was sent a promotional copy of Wine (edited by Andre Domine, who has authored a number of wine- and culinary-related books), and form the moment that it arrived, I was primed to hate it. It’s huge. It’s impossible to comfortably read it in bed (trust me, I’ve…