A bit on the early side, but what the hell, we’re all drinking so it’s all good, right? Right?!? C’mon, don’t tell me I’m the only one of you tasting at 8AM ET (hell, some of you West Coasties might still be up drinking from last night as you read this…)!
Herewith you will find the roundup of this month’s articles from my Wine.Answers.com gig. Much edu-tainment, and, hopefully, some review-related insights await you:
Wine Product Review: Sommelier’s Preference Bordeaux 1855 Classique Wine Aerator
For those of you who don’t already own a Vinturi, there’s this little number, similar in appearance (and in sound) but quite different in terms of internal design, and about as effective. Apparently, we did, in fact, need yet another entrant into this crowded accessory market.
Wine Product Review: Sip & Save Vacuum Wine Pump
Vacuum wine pump style preservation systems either suck air, or just plain suck, depending on to whom you speak in the wine loving company that you keep. I take a middle-ground view here, in that I think they have their place in the preservation of simpler wines. If you fall on the “they’re not so bad” side of the debate, you’d be hard pressed to find a higher quality version than the Sip & Save.
Wine Book Review: “Wine To Water” by Doc Hendley
Ok, technically this is far from a wine book. In fact, it has almost nothing to do with wine in the grand scheme of the memoir that Wine to Water founder Doc Hendley has spun. BUT… “Wine to Water” is a terse, friendly, and moving yarn of a tale, and it just might get you rethinking your jaded, wine-soaked stance that one person cannot really make a difference in this world.
Three Things You Didn’t Know About South African Wine Country
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, you already knew all of this stuff. Including the production figures. Because you are a bad-ass of the highest vinous order. Whatever…
Good info all round here! To a small market like Australia (where I’m from) South African wine is considered mostly ‘bottom end’. However those of us who had the privilege of visiting vineyards in the Stellenbosch area know otherwise. Vacuum pumps have their place but in my experience buy you a day at best, likewise the aerator works well but give me a decanter any day! Nick
Thanks, photo.
From the San Francisco Chronicle “Wine” Section
(December 14, 2007):
“Can this wine be saved?;
What to do with that open bottle of wine?;
Every expert has a theory.”
By Janet Fletcher
Link: http://www.sfgate.com/wine/article/Can-this-wine-be-saved-Methods-of-preserving-an-3232805.php
Bob – yeah, there are no shortage of potential solutions out there for that one…
Personally, I subscribe to the practice of transferring the contents of partially drunk wines to smaller size screw-top water bottles — poured up to the top to eliminate the headspace.
And storing them (red as well as white) in the ‘frig to lower their temperature for save keeping.
Effective and dirt cheap. No need for a Vacu-Vin pump or “noble” gas canisters.
When you wish to continue drinking the opened red wine, just take it out of the ‘frig and let it warm up on the kitchen counter or dinner table — or in your glass.
I know folks who also freeze leftover wine.
I would be concerned that the wine would pick up off-smells from the freezer.