With warmer weather finally upon us in the Northern Hemisphere, my latest for Fix.com (“Grilling and Grapes“) focuses on what wine grapes to keep in mind when you’re firing up the grill. Wine-and-seasonal-food-stuff-pairing articles are nearly as annoyingly omnipresent as drink-rose-in-the-Springtime articles these days, but because this is my writing that we’re talking about here,…
Tag: wine and food pairing
Drinking A Mean Game When Serving Game (Wine Food Pairing Up-leveling For Thrillist.com)
My latest for Thrillist.com is now available, titled How to Level Up Food and Wine Pairings. Is there anything new regarding food and wine matching offered in this piece? Probably not; just about everything that need be said about pairing up food and wine has pretty much been said. Having said that, the article is…
Should Millennials Be Drinking More Wine With Food? (Guest Post)
[ Editor’s note: following is a guest post from the 1WD intern: the young, unpaid Shelby Vittek, who many of you will recall really shook things up with her first 1WD article. You can check out more of Shelby’s work at TableMatters.com, and find her on twitter at @BigBoldReds. Let us know what you think…
Weekly Wine Quiz: Ties That Bind (Food To Wine)
Welcome to the Weekly Wine Quiz! This week, we’re continuing the theme of questions relating to research cited in iconoclastic Master of Wine Tim Hanni’s new book, Why You Like The Wines You Like (full disclosure: I received a review copy, and I am mentioned favorably in the book – though I didn’t know about…