Roughly two months ago, in the follow-on discussions on a feature on the wines of Lodi producer Matt Powell, a reader named Olivier chimed on with some though-provoking questions, the kind that, for me, define the 1WD readership because they exponentially increase the value of the content on this little ol’ website. The discussion was…
Tag: draconis
Signs Of Life: What It Takes To Make Wines Of True Character (With Matt Powell of Draconis)
What Is The Job Of The Winemaker Today? Simple question, right? “Duh! To make wine!” you might be answering to yourself. What could be more simple than that? But real wine lovers, and real winemakers, know better; they know that almost no other query could be more complicated, opinionated, difficult, thought-provoking, or (hopefully!)invigorating to answer….