During my March jaunt to South America, I spent my birthday at the Santiago home of Derek Mossman, the man behind Chile’s Garage Wine Co. and iconoclastic director of MOVI (Movimiento de Viñateros Independientes, or “Movement of Independent Vintners”). Think of them as the collective vinous mice, who are making tiny amounts of hand-crafted wines…
Tag: 1winedude radio
1WineDude Radio: Demystifying the Asian Wine Market with Jaime Araujo
Much has been written on the subject of how Asian markets are affecting the wine world, most of it concentrating on the impact of Hong Kong auctions on the scarce availability and stratospheric prices of high-end Bordeaux (which is to say, making high-end Bordeaux even more scarce with even higher stratospheric prices). The wine scene…
1WineDude Radio Episode 5: Stu Smith’s Quest to Debunk Biodynamics
Offering the counterpoint to last week’s discussion of Biodynamic viticulture with consultant Alan York, we continue the coverage of Biodynamics by talking to its most vocal critic in the U.S.: Smith-Madrone’s Stu Smith, who, aside from making some very tasty conventionally-farmed wines in Northern CA, is the author of the controversial blog Biodynamics Is A…
1WineDude Radio Episode 4: Talking Biodynamics with International Viticulture Consultant Alan York
In the latest podcast installment here on 1WineDude.com, I interview Alan York, an international consultant on Biodynamic viticulture and farming, who I met last year when visiting Benziger (one of Alan’s clients). Alan is probably best known as the consultant who is overseeing the Biodynamics conversion of mega rock star Sting’s vineyard area in Tuscany….