Just a few quick-hits on upcoming wine events in November for you, before we head into another (hopefully fabulous) autumn weekend!
Reminder: Wine Blogging Wednesday #51
Alright, people – Wine Blogging Wednesday #51(WineDude) – aka “Baked Goods” – is being hosted right here and is happening next week on November 12.
You have but a few short days left to get your swurvy on and get you some fortified or madeirized goodness to review. We are accepting any deliberately “baked” wines, as well as anything fortified. So bringeth your Rutherglen muscats, Madeiras, Ports, Sherries, etc., and prepare to get knocked on yer ass!
The full details can be found on my announcement post. Looking forward to tasting with you next week, even if only virtually!
But wait… there’s more!…
2008 Brandywine Valley Vintner’s Dinner Each year, the Brandywine Valley PA region winemakers celebrate the end of the harvest. The festivities will be happening at the draw-droppingly gorgeous Longwood Gardens this weekend on November 8th at 6:30 PM ET.
I will be there, as will Joel Peterson, the brains and inspiration behind Ravenswood (you have heard of them, haven’t you?). Should be a good time (if I have anything to do about it!). Full details can be found here.
Teikoku Organic Wine Pairing Event
On November 19th at 5:30 PM, if you’re in the Philly area, you can kick off your Birkenstock’s for an organic wine mixer at Teikoku hosted by wine educator and consultant, Erika Gottron, from Capitol Wine and Spirits. The wines will be paired with small plates by Executive Chef, Takao Iinuma (who totally Rocks it!). Tickets can be purchased here.
Drink Charitably! Twitter Taste Live Gives BackLast but not least: Humanitas Wines, Twitter Taste Live, Twittermoms.com and LENNDEVOURS.com are all teaming up to bring you the first Twitter Taste Live event for charity on November 21 at 8PM ET.
This event should kick all kinds of ass, and 100% of the wine sale profits for the event are going to charity. Here’s the wine line-up form Humanitas Wines for the evening:
2006 Sauvignon Blanc-Monterey
2007 Chardonnay “Oak Free”-Monterey
2006 Cabernet Sauvignon-Paso Robles
2006 Pinot Noir Sonoma Coast
You can get details, register for the event, and purchase the wines at TwitterTasteLive.com.
If you’re not familiar with how Twitter Taste Live works, check out the skinny here.
(images: winebloggingwednesday.org, longwoodgardens.org, twittertastelive.com)