This post, the Dude is offering his review of Joseph Bastianich’s & David Lynch’s weighty tome on all things Italo-wine-related: Vino Italiano. My review is part of a larger blog-carnival-type effort with near-simultaneous reviews of the same book happening at other wine blogs, called the Wine Book Club. You can check out some of the…
Category: Italian Wine
WBW #42 – Seven Word Wine Review (Banfi Rosso di Montalcino)
This month’s edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday comes to us courtesy of, who have tasked the collective talents of the budding wine blogging community by asking us to review an Italian Red, using just seven words. Tricky, to say the least (get it?); especially for those of us whose prose, how shall I put…
Food Review Weekly #2
“Arsenic is edible. Only once.” So reads the quote at the top of this week’s Food Review Weekly over at The Dude is featured in the Drinks section thereof. You can check it out here. The Eats section of the same has a link to a story about Caffeinated potato chips… which seems, well,…
WBW #41 – Talkin’ Tocai
Wine Blogging Wednesday #41 (hosted this month over at Fork & Bottle) has us pondering the mountainous Northeast corner of Italy, as the wine blogging community explores the white wines of Friuli-Venezia-Giulia. Too bad we’re not exploring their reds too, since this region grows some totally kick-ass Cabernet blends, having almost completely re-worked its approach…